KGV Alumni Association

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The KGV Alumni Association is a voluntary organisation run by the alumni for the alumni with the aim of organising events and providing relevant support to the alumni body whilst preserving KGV School’s legacy and its values. Our motto is that of the School’s; “Honestas Ante Honores”. Key Objectives: Communicating news from alumni and former teachers around the world to connect and re-connect all KGV alumni through the website, social media platforms, eNews updates, organising major reunions and special events of interest to our alumni. The KGV Alumni Association was originally the ‘KGV Former Pupils Association (FPA)’. The nexus of the FPA was started in the mid 1970’s and the Association was formally founded in 1985. It became a registered society in 1995.



The KGV Community is diverse with its stakeholders of Students, Parents, Teachers and Alumni. The KGV Alumni Association operates within this community as a fully empowered and democratic body.

Close collaboration between the KGV Alumni Association (KGVAA) and KGV School creates a unique platform that both supports senior students and enriches active Alumni keen to give back.

This natural synergy harnesses the KGVAA’s rich diversity of professional and life experience so as to enhance personal development and opportunities for all senior students. Building on KGV’s core values ingrained within us as alumni through generations, our objective is to further equip KGV students to identify and leverage Alumni networks that will serve them in their years ahead.